Tuesday, January 22, 2013


As we move on through life, the sun and every day exposure to the outdoor elements, inevitably begins to show their signs. As a result, our eyebrow hair can gradually get duller and lose it's luster.
Most often we don't notice because the fading is gradual but eventually the affects catch up to us making our eyebrows appear thinner.
A simple solution is to dye the eyebrows a half shade darker to deepen them to their original color and or cover any gray that may have snuck in. The result is back to natural and always makes the brows appear fuller than ever.
An eyebrow tint can last up to six weeks but only when done properly. Regular hair dye will not last as long since it is designed for the hair on our heads, which is made of a whole different chemistry altogether. A proper dye, specifically made for eyebrow hair, will insure longer lasting results.
And just as you would only trust a professional of your choice for your hair, the same choice should be made for your perfect eyebrow colorist.

Make your appointment today and restore your eyebrow youth.


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